Rent Charles brain
You don't want to be inside Charles' head - but you can have the next best thing. Having worked with some of the best brains in creativity worldwide, Charles has repurposed some of the frameworks to ensure outcomes as well as creativity, here are some of the services on offer.

Advanced Creativity
Creativity can start with something simple and go all the way up to incredible. Although by nature a spontaneous activity, over the years Charles has learned techniques to kickstart and accelerate the process.

Problem Solution Sprints
Before Charles starts creating he ensures he asks the correct questions, a clear brief often solves a problem before creativity or describes an end to end solution.From a 1/2 day workshop to assembling worldwide teams for a 5 day sprint.

General Diverse Thinking
Previously called Advanced Common Sense, general diverse thinking is about finding ideas and inspiration by listening to other view points, ways of thinking without cultural or emotional barriers.

Keynotes and Inspiration
Charles has presenting keynotes worldwide at creativity conferences including inspiration for Apple at Games Weekend in Melbourne, demonstrating live augmented reality for Communicating the Arts and opening Tencent’s launch in Beijing.
An experienced, fresh perspective
Charles can see the opportunities from both an artist and business perspective - from creating one of the first online booking engines to building an international digital arts network in 26 countries, his experience working within multiple industries and cultures give new ways of thinking.
To help out and share the love, he often consults to leaders and brands on solutions or offers a one stop creative solution. And generally it is often a fun, inspiring experience - every company needs an artist in their office!

Find out more
Contact Charles to talk about what you are looking for