I have moved on as an artist from the gallery in the most fantastic and wonderful way and I wish to share this journey with love, art, innovation and plenty of light.

My current focus is helping other autistic adults, I am only here thanks to the kindness of my neurodiverse friends who rescued me - they touched my heart and reinvigorated my soul.
I will now spend my time continuing this for others.

To support this mission, I am putting favourite artworks for sale each week. You can help by browsing through artworks or things for sale using the folders on the left. I am also selling my portions of time - I strongly believe Art + Technology is the way forward and so you can purchase chunks of thinking, inspiring or creating as well.



How this will be used


The ultimate goal is to change the narrative for Autistic Adults so that we can feel included, loved and understood. Allow us to contribute to this rich tapestry of life with our vibrant colours and overwhelmed souls.

When not creating, my time be used for Adult Autism support - currently I am working on reducing Adult Autism suicide from 900% the national average. To review a breakdown of the funding goals just a click away with full transparency via Xero.